about us
We baked up the idea of Cake & HR as a way to bring HR professionals together in a positive space.
Cake & HR events happen on a regular basis at a growing number of locations across the UK.
Topics for discussion are influenced by our members. We have a reputation for running sessions that are both informal and informative, no selling and no chalk and talk, just like minded people sharing HR expertise.
Of course we take note of trends and the gurus, like any good HR professional, but essentially in the network we are only interested in what works and what doesn't.
Whether you are part of a big HR department of a plc, or an SME, of value to both will always be our topical events where we invite HR national guest speakers to cover a current HR topic. Equally the value of simply building your HR network in the local area.
If you sit as part of a small HR team, then our community zone can really provide that confidential, impartial support you may want, if there is nowhere else internally to go.

Our founders
Judith Elliott FCIPD
Judith Elliott FCIPD is Head of People for a Cambridge tech company. In her past life she was an L&D professional working with SMEs and global clients to build high performing teams. She is also an executive coach. She doesn’t get to eat much cake but always looks forward to a G&T after an event.
Edwina Brewster MCIPD
Edwina – know affectionately as Eddy, is an all round HR professional having worked at a senior level for a US owned global company and now as an HR Manager on demand for quite a few SMEs. She eats cake and just like Judith she likes a G&T. THat must explain why they get on so well 🙂
Sponsor an event
We welcome experts or speakers to facilitate our sessions; but as a non-profit making organisation, to help support our events and community we ask that you either pay for the cake or provide a venue!
Contact us to discuss opportunities, even if you are a small provider – we have different levels of sponsorship opportunities and are keen to welcome you in to our community.
Our supporters

EBCam Ltd are leading employee benefit specialists and independent financial advisers based in Cambridge.

As well as being our primary venue sponsor, EA First are the official recruitment sponsor of Cake & HR.

The home of innovation and community engagement - we're proud to have the Innovator Network as a supporter.